Sunday, January 2, 2011

teachin english

tommorow were startin to teach a english class at are church.  we sure hope we can teach good.  were kinda nervous.  yall might say there aint nothin to worry about, but we aint never taught no english so we reckon it'll be somethin differnt for sure.  but i think itll be fine since we been speakin english for like morn twenty years and we had some real good teachers when we was growin up.  itll prolly be fine.


  1. shoot yalls gonna doo grate! them kids is luckier'n heck havin too smart suckers like yall heppin'em to use they mouths like americans. kepe the powder dry an yur chins up'n god'l kepe blessin all of yas. Luv, Stephen
