Saturday, January 8, 2011

English Class in Mateo

The new school year starts in just a few short weeks for kids in Honduras. To help prepare some kids in the city of Mateo, we were asked to teach a week-long English class. It went great! We averaged 40 kids in our morning class (with 9-11-year-olds) and we averaged 30 kids in our afternoon class (with 12-18-year-olds). When Friday came, I think all of us had learned something, all of us had had some fun, and at least two of us were very, very tired! Here are a few snapshots of our week:

Bart assists 2 in our younger group as they demonstrate a basic English conversation:
"What is your name?"  "My name is ______."

If it looks like a lot of kids crammed into one was!

Three girls in our younger group identify 'things in a house,'
like "window," "floor," and "kitchen."

Very, very sweet kids.  We were happy to get to know them better!

Our older kids were very sharp.  Many of them were well past the
'beginner' stage of English learning.

Some of our older boys wrapping up the week the right way:
English Bingo!

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