Wednesday, January 26, 2011


When you arrive in Honduras (and by "you," I mean all of you reading this who will hopefully come visit us!), the authorities will stamp your passport, allowing you to stay in the country for 90 days. The same was true for Bart and me, when we arrived in late September. One 30-day extension is given to all those willing to spend $20 and a few-too-many hours at the immigration office...which means that every 120 days, Bart & I will need to leave the country & get our passport stamped elsewhere, in order to return for another 4-month period in good, legal standing.

I say all that to say: We took a trip to Belize!! Thanks to the advice of some former missionaries, we navigated our way by taxis, buses, and a boat to our first visa-renewal destination. Our hotel was in the town of Placencia, Belize, and that's where we spent most of our time. But we also utilized their public transportation system to tour a couple other places in southern Belize, including a small island in the Caribbean and a nature reserve about an hour north of Placencia. 

At the end of the week, we were thankful for our time of relaxation and were ready to return to Honduras to get back to work!


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