Monday, May 13, 2013

Poetry Week: Somos el Pueblo de Dios

Some of the best moments of my week occur at church services on Sunday mornings, when I get to sing alongside others who've gathered to worship.  At this point, most of the songs feel pretty familiar to me, but I still have to really concentrate on the words I'm saying (which is what I should be doing anyway, right?!).  I always think to myself, "I wish my family and friends could hear the words to these beautiful songs!"  
So I've declared this week "Poetry Week," and I plan to share a song (which I'm calling poetry because, to me, it is) every day.  I'll give you my own translation of the poem, so please know that it's probably not perfect.  Hope you enjoy this first one.  

first in Spanish...

Somos el Pueblo de Dios

Somos el pueblo de Dios.
Somos un pueblo especial.
Llamados para anunciar,
Las virtudes de aquel,
Que nos llamó a su luz.

Somos el pueblo de Dios.
Su sangre nos redimió,
Y su Espíritu dio, para darnos poder,
Y ser testigos de él.

Y llevaremos su gloria,
A cada pueblo y nación,
Trayéndoles esperanza,
Y nuevas de salvación.

Y su amor nos impulsa,
No nos podemos callar,
Anunciaremos al mundo,
De su amor y verdad.

and in English...

We are the People of God

We are the people of God.
We are a special people.
Called to proclaim,
The virtues of the One,
Who called us to His light.

We are the people of God.
His blood redeemed us,
And He gave us His Spirit, in order to give us power,
and to be His witnesses.

And we will take His glory,
To every people and nation,
Bringing them hope,
And news of salvation.

And His love compels us,
We cannot keep quiet,
And we will announce to the world,
About His love and truth.


1 comment:

  1. I so love and appreciate the way you and Bart tell the stories of your life in Honduras. This was a great post! Thanks!
